说起英语论文写作的重要性,相信广大做科研的小伙伴们可能各有各的领悟。Publish or perish, 发表或者毁灭,真是让人痛并渴望着。要想在科研界混,没有几篇拿得出手的SCI,还怎么愉快得在小伙伴面前装B, 还怎么在申请标书课题的时候拿来装点一下门面?但很多做科研的人,做起实验来是如鱼得水,潇洒自如,但是对于英文写作是望而生畏,一直苦于入门难,写成难,想写好更难。
不要紧,科研是一个讲规矩的世界,不但做课题设计有套路规范,英语论文写作也有一些基本的常识和构架在其中,其实把科研论文拆解来看,就会发现科研论文的格式很像是八股文,有很明显的套路的痕迹,依然是遵循起承转合的模式框架。Amy老师会在接下来的一系列课里帮大家梳理一下这些英语论文写作的必备基础知识和框架套路,再加上大家自身本学科领域的实验数据编排,慢慢融会贯通,运用自如,教大家如何更好地把文章推销给最好的出版社买家。虽然洋洋洒洒写上成千上万字的英文论文看上去有点头大,但是我们用模块化思维进行一一拆解,大家熟练掌握这些规则,相信肯定假以时日肯定能对英文写作驾轻就熟,也能对其他题材的英文文章写作有一定的启发和助益。希望大家从这门课程中Get more than scientific paper。
并列递进moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, likewise, also, then, additionally
转折not, yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, meanwhile, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely, paradoxically, by contrast, in spite of,rather than, instead of, unfortunately
解释in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms
对比比较Likewise, Similarly, In parallel to, while, whereas,
原因because, because of, as, since, owing to, due to, thanks to, for this reason
结果therefore, as a result, then, consequently, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence
举例for example, for instance, as such, such as, take ...for example, to illustrate, to name a few
总结overall, eventually, consequently, in summary, in a word, as a result, together, collectively, thus, hence, consequently, on the whole, in conclusion, to sum up, in brief, to conclude, to summarize, in short, briefly
强调surprisingly, interestingly, intriguingly, strikingly, unexpectedly, clearly, obviously, apparently, in fact, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact, undoubtedly, notably, specifically, particularly, especially
firstly, ... secondly, ... finally ...; first, ... then ... etc.
让步although, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, given that
可能presumably, probably, perhaps
virtually/largely unknown, elusive, unclear, much less explored, surprisingly limited, less understood, unsolved, scarcely understood
reliability and validity, robust and fundamental, efficiency and specificity, cost-effectiveness(price), the simplicity of the protocols, the amount of labor required, equipment requirement,necessary or sufficient
clearly/obviously demonstrate, reveal, illustrate, prove, show, report, implicate, confirm, describe
examine, perform, carry out, observe, compare, investigate, indicate, show, manipulate, test, establish, identify, detect, stimulate, analyse, assess, suggest, propose, speculate, determine, find, apply, purify, construct a model, devised a protocol, calculate, categorize, conduct, imply, measure, explore, reason, observe, summarize, conduct, reveal, measure, estimate, employ, support, resolve
plays a central/ pivotal/ vital key/essential role
a powerful regulator/ a key molecular determinant, a well-accepted model
influence, affect, rescue, reverse, lead to, contribute to, attribute to, ascribe to, drop, reduce, increasing, attenuate, ameliorate, improve, mount, accumulate
recently, most recently, at the same time/period, since then, for several decades
pushing the boundariesrecent/enormous advance, progress, knowledge, historic, perspectives, new/novel insights, seminal discovery, an emerging theme, major/important findings, a better understanding